
The Cub Section is for boys and girls aged between 8 and 10 ½ years of age. Entry to the section can be from a Beaver Colony or from outside the Scout Movement. The programme is designed to build on the experience of the Association's Progressive Training Scheme previously gained in the Beavers but with greater emphasis on teamwork. A Cub Pack will be made up of small teams of youngsters called Sixes with an older boy or girl, the Sixer, as leader. Fun and adventure continue to be a staple element of the programme and personal achievement is encouraged and recognised with a very wide ranging badge scheme which is designed to suit all tastes and interests. Cubs will aim to gain The Chief Scout's Silver Award which is a further step on the way to the Queens Scout Award and Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award. An added attraction for the youngsters are the regular nights away experiences under canvas or in an indoors centre which most packs organise.
There are 17 Cub Packs in Eastwood District and usually they are pretty full, with priority for entry given to Beavers reaching the age of 8. Anyone wishing their child to join would be advised to make contact with a nearby Group as soon as possible.